Welcome, Roger, to the Czech Republic ...I am crazy

in the flesh

Moderátor: bery

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seer of visions
Příspěvky: 159
Registrován: 05.01.2007 10:38:07
Bydliště: zlín, Třinec, Velké Karlovice :)
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bery píše:nevypadla vam tam cast kde v originale je:

You bought a guitar, to punish you mum
you didnt like school
And you know you're nobody's fool.

zkusil jsem to trochu doplnit:

Welcome Roger,
welcome to Prague!
Where have you been?
It´s alright we know where you´ve been
You´ve been in the Swissland, playing in hall
Provided with lights and playing the show
but now you are here, to sing us some songs
we like all that you said
all the notes that you played
So Welcome to Prague!

i jsem si to nahral ale jsou to takove skreky ze se to neda publikovat
jojo to je ono..sedi to:) :oops:
