Harry Waters

ostatní muzikanti, výtvarníci, manažeři, technici, přátelé apod. spojení s tvorbou pink floyd

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Harry Waters

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Syn Rogera Waterse. Poprve jsme ho mohli slyset na Radio KAOS s jeho sestrou Indii, zucastnil se Rogerova turne v r.2002.

Podrobnejsi info na:

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Bydliště: Chomutov

Příspěvek od md8590forever »

Co k tomuto říct.............

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

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Příspěvek od bery »

:twisted: :twisted:

btw. poslouchal jsem tu jeho muziku a je to celkem zajimavy melodicky jazz
...and after all we're only ordinary men Obrázek

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Příspěvek od Dave »

Připomíná mi ty mladé zarostlé santusáky, co se povalují s krabicáky na Andělu...

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Příspěvek od proti »

Ty jeho stranky dnes uz vubec nefunguji!!! :shock:
Asi ho clenove fora zahltili maily... a tak je zavrel :?

(Neunesl napor fanousku...)

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Příspěvek od Richard »

Už to funguje. A má tam parádní fotky: :)

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine

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Bydliště: Chomutov

Příspěvek od md8590forever »

Ty jeho stránky jsou pěkný, ale hlavně mě tam zaujal jeho blog - tedy jakýsi deník. Tam jsem se mimo jiné dozvěděl, že např. na včerejším koncertě jim vypadl proud při Perfect sence, takže museli udělat menší přestávku před Leavin Beirut. Další zajímavostí je, že se otevřeně přiznal k tomu, že 18.3. na koncertu v Argentině udělal několik chyb v Perfect Sence. Zdůvodlnil to tím, že téměř celý den se válel u bazénu, chlastal, hulil a jedl sendviče, následně pak jeho mozek nebyl připraven na pořádnou práci. :D :lol:
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

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Příspěvky: 1941
Registrován: 28.04.2006 14:36:43
Bydliště: Zlín, Velké Karlovice
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Harry se ségrou


fotka z blogu Iana Ritchieho
...and after all we're only ordinary men Obrázek

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Bydliště: Orlová

Příspěvek od eclipse »

"Well, our first day back on the road was a great success I feel. We flew straight in and out of Zurich for the gig and then onto Prague. It felt absolutely great to be back on stage and playing again. I particularly enjoyed Shine On and Any Colour You Like, those songs are often my favourite to play and tonight was no exception. We are looking forward to a great time in Prague which is an amazing city that I have visitied before."

http://www.harrywaters.co.uk blog

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Doufam, ze v schrance zaregistroval, ze tam mel maila od nas. :D

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Registrován: 12.02.2007 20:45:22
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Příspěvek od Syd.Barrett1 »

Doufám, že nebude vadit, když sem zkopíruju Harryho názor na koncert v Praze...
11th April London to Zurich - Switzerland to Prague - Czech Republic
Well, our first day back on the road was a great success I feel. We flew straight in and out of Zurich for the gig and then onto Prague. It felt absolutely great to be back on stage and playing again. I particularly enjoyed Shine On and Any Colour You Like, those songs are often my favourite to play and tonight was no exception. We are looking forward to a great time in Prague which is an amazing city that I have visitied before.
12th April Prague - Czech Republic
We had a great day off today, Richelle and I explored Prague. We wandered over Charles Bridge which has two fantastic looking towers at either end of it. The bridge was full of street artists and musicians. In particular we enjoyed a local band playing some Benny Goodman'esque music. We were surprised at the number of puppet shops around the city. It's something that is obviously popular here unlike anywhere else I have ever been.
We had a great dinner at a restaurant that we ate at five years ago but was washed away in the flood and has been rebuilt since. Ian, Richelle, Mary and I then went to a tiny jazz club and watched a trio comprising double-bass, guitar and piano. They were great players and a joy to watch.
13th April Prague - Czech Republic
I started the day off with a great game of tennis with Andy FL and a pro at a local club. I'm especially unfit as I haven't done any excersise since the last time we played, but it was great to back into it. At the gig we now have a games room which is fantastic. We have a table tennis table and a darts board which are both great ways to pass the time when waiting for show time. I managed to get in a few games of both, with Richelle, before heading up on stage. The show was a lot of fun once again, and hopefully an indicator of good gigs to come.
We had an after show dinner at the hotel restaurant "Essensia", which I can safely say was one of the best meals I have EVER had. The steak was literally as smooth as butter and just melted in my mouth. I gorged myself and felt particularly satisfied afterwards.
14th April Prague - Czech Republic to Budapest - Hungary to Koln - Germany
A full day today. We left our glorious Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Prague headed for a gig in Budapest which went well. For some unknown reason, the confetti that covers the audience during Sheep, managed to find it's way ALL over the stage. Whilst both hands are playing it's impossible to do anything about the strips of paper that are slowly covering the Hammond. By the end I was simply having to hit the keys covered in small bits of green and white paper. Bless Alfie (my kepboard tech) who managed to remove the offending articles by the time the set break was over. We then flew to Koln where we are about to do three gigs in Germany over the next few days.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky...

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Příspěvky: 1941
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Příspěvek od bery »

:D Chutnalo mu, to potěší :D
S těma konfetama je to teda zajímavé, v Praze nepadaly ani na nás co jsme byli v kotli před pódiem, takže tento suvenýr nemám, protože po koncerte jsem byl mimo a vůbec mě nenapadlo si jen tal nějaké vzít.
...and after all we're only ordinary men Obrázek

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Příspěvky: 397
Registrován: 08.03.2007 18:35:09
Bydliště: Orlová

Příspěvek od eclipse »

bery píše::v Praze nepadaly ani na nás co jsme byli v kotli před pódiem, takže tento suvenýr nemám, protože po koncerte jsem byl mimo a vůbec mě nenapadlo si jen tal nějaké vzít.
Me to napadlo, ale pak jsem to zavrhl s tim, ze je to blbost sbirat po zemi nejake nastrihane papirky :).

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Bydliště: Chomutov

Příspěvek od md8590forever »

eclipse píše:
bery píše::v Praze nepadaly ani na nás co jsme byli v kotli před pódiem, takže tento suvenýr nemám, protože po koncerte jsem byl mimo a vůbec mě nenapadlo si jen tal nějaké vzít.
Me to napadlo, ale pak jsem to zavrhl s tim, ze je to blbost sbirat po zemi nejake nastrihane papirky :).
Já si jich teda pár nachytal........... zelený a bílý....... :lol:
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

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Registrován: 22.12.2006 11:59:49
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eclipse píše:
bery píše::v Praze nepadaly ani na nás co jsme byli v kotli před pódiem, takže tento suvenýr nemám, protože po koncerte jsem byl mimo a vůbec mě nenapadlo si jen tal nějaké vzít.
Me to napadlo, ale pak jsem to zavrhl s tim, ze je to blbost sbirat po zemi nejake nastrihane papirky :).

Hezky se to tocilo ve vzduchu - taky jsem je par pochytal - pro zabavu... :D
